NORDIC HANDS is a meeting of experts in thinking through materials. With the laboratory as the focal point, 16 Nordic artists/craftspeople and ‘art writers’ will work together practically and theoretically for a week in September at Godsbanen in Aarhus.
In well arranged workshop sessions the participants will exchange and clarify working processes, materiality and artistic modes of expression. The participants will make short presentations in ongoing open sessions to which we invite practitio¬ners, presenters, communicators and people from creative courses for the young in Aarhus. An exhibition of work and workshop photos will be shown in the Production Corridor. The process will be documented concurrently in writing and with photo material for a publication and further promotion of the project and the symposium.
We conclude the process with a public symposium with contributions from artists, theoreticians and presenters, elucidating in depth artistic idioms, perceptions and the communication of material- and craft-based art and ‘art writing’. Physical laboratory results will be included.